March 2012

Greetings from the Farm!

I hope you all are doing well.  Things here are moving along.  We finish up next Friday.  These nine weeks have flown by!  I have learned so much and am so grateful I was able to pass through here one more time.  The Father has blessed me with some incredible friends over these last two months, who will no doubt serve as great encouragements while on the field.  He is so gracious.

There is so much to share, but I plan to write more in-depth about all of that on the blog.  There is a new post about last Sunday’s afternoon activity.  To help prepare us, our leaders here brought out some chickens for us to kill, pluck, cut up and eat!  It was an experience.  Check out the story!

I am ready to be in Africa!  From this point, I only have 24 days left in the United States.  It is kind of surreal that it is already here.  This morning, we had a chance to hear of the work that has been done with our people group from a guy who served there a while back.  Hearing actual stories increases the excitement to just get there and jump in where He is already working.

As the time here draws to a close, please lift up some of these requests:

  • A rich time of fellowship with friends here
  • Patience with one another (2 months is a long time to live with 200 people!)
  • Maintaining sweet times with the Father
  • Everyone here, as we leave home and family to spread across the world to share the Good News.

Praise the Father for His provision for:

  • A house!  I have a house in Burkina, and M & K have one as well.
  • My visa!  It came through without any problems and I have been officially ticketed to leave the US on April 7th.

Thank you for partnering with me in this ministry!  You’ll never know how grateful I am for your support.  There will be one more update from the States, then the legitimate African updates will begin!  I look forward to sharing life with you all.  Please keep me posted on your lives as well…I want to know how I can be lifting y’all up.


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